Preschool & Kindergarten Information Night
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Location: GBS Cafe
Registration Packet Drop off Nights
Date: February 6, 2025, from 4:00-6:00 pm
Date: February 12, 2025, from 2:00 - 5:30pm
Please bring the completed Registration Packet and all supporting documentation. You will remain in your car until you reach the drop off location (see map). Please make copies of the documents, as copies cannot be made that night. Thank you!
New children looking to enroll in the GBS Early Childhood Program must register an application for Lottery and turn Three before 9/30/25 for the three-year-old program and four by this same date to enter the four-year-old program.
If your child will be age 5 by Sept. 30, 2025, he/she will enter Kindergarten.
Early Childhood Program Description
The Early Childhood Program provides the opportunity for all children to learn and play together in an educational setting. The classrooms will provide a differentiated preschool curriculum targeted toward typical learners and children with special learning needs.
Our Program Philosophy:
Integrated: Honoring the needs of all students in an inclusion classroom setting Team
Approach: Early Childhood Educators, Related Therapy Providers, and Instructional Assistants all work together Academic: Scientifically based, multi-sensory instruction, expressed in thematic units
Curriculum & Technology: Students have hands-on opportunities to explore iPads, SMART Board, and Laptops at various times
Click here to be linked to the registration packet.
Program Hours
AM session Three -Year Olds
2 Day - Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:00 – 11:30
2 Day - Wednesday and Fridays, 9:00 – 11:30
AM session Four- Year Olds
4 Day - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 9:00 – 11:30
PM session Four -Year Olds
4 Day - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Fridays, 12:25 - 2:55 pm
The program follows the Golden Brook School schedule and the school district calendar and guidelines except when otherwise specifically noted.
Class Ratio:
Max 16 students
1 Teacher
1 Teacher assistant
2 Day Session - $150.00/month
4 Day Session: $300.00/ month
Please make checks payable to:
Windham School District
Please add your child’s name on the check.
Mail directly to: (or drop off)
Windham School District SAU #95
19 Haverhill Road
Windham, NH 03087
Attention: Assistant Business Administrator
Additional Information:
Program is in session from September to June. Tuition payment is due on the first of each month. Payment needs to be received promptly. If payment is late, you will receive a letter indicating that payment is overdue and a $25.00 late fee will be assessed.
You will not receive an invoice(bill).
Paying on time is the parent's responsibility.
A 10% discount will be given if the entire 10 months’ tuition is paid in full and received by 9/5/25.
Pre-K Registration Packet
Pre-K FAQs
Registration Drop-off Event Map